Letter from Kenrick Mark (1st Edition)
Letter from Kenrick Mark
Dear Esteemed Readers,
A few nights ago I was reminiscing on my tenure as Co-Editor of my high school’s newspaper. I remember when Ms. Carol Arzu approached me in October, 2005 to commence this dignified initiative. I was quite anxious and happy for this offer. I have been waiting for this since my first day at Julian Cho Technical High School. It was an immediate ‘yes’ response from me and I began to gather a team later that day (of course, with the approval of Ms. Arzu). Floridalma Fajardo, Amira Teul, Carolina Choc, Elvin Augustin, and Everette Petillo joined hands with me and Ms. Carol and carried out our pro-bono duties.
My tenure was approximately a school year, filled with intense writing, editing, and the entire approach of newspaper publishing (well, an on campus school newspaper). From October, 2005, to May, 2006, my team worked tirelessly in gathering important on campus and national news, to feature. We also did a Personality of the Month program, which featured outstanding students, and actually, this is where I primarily received ideas for my foundation’s now prestigious Personality of the Month Award. Furthermore, I looked forward to writing the ‘Letter to the Editor’. I utilized this section very much, expounding my personal and professional perspectives and sharing wisdom to fellow school mates and of course, the entire public. We also had a requests/congratulatory section, jokes/riddles/puzzles, and a sports column.
Writing has been a passion from a young age. I remember staying up late (1 or 2 am) to edit and finalize the newspaper to be published the next day. I had to review every section twice or more to ensure that the content is authentic, and prepared for publishing. There were many moments when I was angry, or worried, or ‘blank’ while working on the content, but I eventually solved the problems. Ms. Carol always did a final edit/review before we publish. She, was , of course, Editor in Chief, and Coordinator of the club. The mass printing was done in the Office by Mrs Darlina Cus Emmanuel. I am ever grateful to her, and Mrs Debbie Morgan, for their great personality, and care, and loads of healthy conversations and laughter. I always visited them and enjoyed every moment chit-chatting about academics, life at Julian Cho, pageants and recent events/national issues, and of course, the future. I also went around campus selling the newspaper for a mere fifty cents. Many times we sold out within an hour!
I was honored to be selected as ‘Personality of the Month’ in November, 2005, due to my academic performance and outstanding participation at the institution. Amira Teul interviewed me and wrote up my story feature. I think it was our photographer, Everette Petillo who took some official photos for the Personality of the Month feature. I cannot recall all the winners for this feature.
So, all this apart, I was thinking about the content of my ‘Letters from the Editor’ in 2005/2006 and the value and impact it made on campus (if even just 50%) and this allowed me to commence and craft a weekly ‘Letter from Kenrick Mark’ as one of my foundation’s signature projects which will reflect on the history of my efforts including the Teens Belize Organization, Developing Toledo TV Show, The Kenny Jacobs Perspective, and debut professional and personal perspectives on international issues including human rights. I strongly believe in the power and privilege of responsible, educational, holistic approach writing. I am hopeful to promote peace, love, compassion, tolerance, and respect. They are needed today and the many days and minutes, and seconds to come. My tenure as Co-Editor and this short reflection guarantees that every good effort is recorded and embraced for the love of humanity. It has added to my career portfolio.
I would like to extend my sincere gratitude today to my newspaper team at Julian Cho Technical High School in 2005–2006. We truly had moments of hard work and passion-delivered! Thank you to all the students, teachers, and the public who read our newspaper!
I remain,
Kenrick Mark