Letter from Kenrick Mark (21st Edition)

Kenrick Mark Coleman
4 min readJun 27, 2020


Letter from Kenrick Mark

Dear Esteemed Readers,

I carefully read the critical analysis book. I had difficulty understanding a few concepts, though. I stayed for an hour. I decided to return tomorrow. I walked home under a dark sky. As usual, many people were walking around the high street — purchasing food, groceries, or simply wandering, evolving with the night. I became brave, and walked into the McDonalds outlet. I ordered two chicken sandwiches, two portion of fries, and a chocolate shake. I went home, relaxed, watched cooking shows, and ate my (fast) food. This was really delicious! I always went back to McDonalds for these exact food items, and later on, began ordering soft drinks. Some of the cooking shows I watched included Sean Kuylen, Bare Pantry Show, Cupcake Jemma, Domestic Geek, Joy of Baking, Laura in the Kitchen, and Anna Olson. There was one with an elder European lady, but I forgot the name. I love eating while I watched the presenters prepare food, drinks, and desserts. I also messaged a few of my comrades back in Belize, and my classmates at the University of Greenwich (regarding assignments).

I showered and went to sleep. Sometimes I would dream of my pending academic papers and assignments. I guess this was a natural process as I was always thinking about my work, and of course, if I can get a passing mark.

On Tuesday morning, I woke up early, still thinking about critical analysis. I was eager to go the library to read more, as we had assignments in the near future. I went to library around 9am and had a full day reading books/papers on critical analysis and Harvard referencing and relative information. I got confused and mad at some intervals. I took mini breaks going out of the library and enjoying nature. I began understanding more about critical analysis that day. I was happy. In the afternoon, I tried to complete my section of the presentation. We had to present the following Tuesday. Serena and Luna were emailing me their parts later that evening.

I went to Social Media & Media Relations Class. Professor Mudra was heading the discussion. She was always jovial, and supportive of us. She understood our new adventure as post graduate students. We learnt about Measurement and Evaluation in Public Relations. This was paramount in our academics as we were budding Public Relations specialists, who could be working for the European Union or other International Institutions after graduation. To understand the impact of social media, there were several concepts and evaluation features utilized. She also discussed Advertising Value Equivalency, as well as Outflow, Outcome, Output and Input values. These were critical in every institution as impact depends on the value of Input and Output. We also learnt about Media Analysis and Evaluation. The Media (both traditional and new) played a vital role in the public perception and analysis of a company’s Public Relations strategies. Another important topic discussed was the PR Evaluation frameworks. This was an in depth presentation of three frameworks used in the Public Relations field. We also looked at the European Communications Monitor. It was a full class. I didn’t grasp everything, so I had go back to the PowerPoint presentation over the weekend, to finish my presentation on Greenpeace. Sometimes, I had slight headaches while reading, and in class, but I remained strong. I guess my classmates and I were really tired! We all went home. I wanted to go the library, but changed my mind. I decided to go to Nandos! I was craving good food as I only had toast for breakfast and snacked on banana, cakes and chocolates while in library for the day.

Nandos had style, and love! I walked in to a warm welcome from one of the male waiters. He gave me a table number and I went to order. I ordered grilled chicken, fries, and coleslaw! I also got Mango Juice! I was sitting at one of the side tables overlooking the River Thames. The night was dark, filled with stars high above, and the gigantic water splashes can be heard. I saw a huge boat travelling. It had huge spotlights at the top and front. The waitress bought my Mango Juice. I sipped it, and wow! I thought of all the delicious, juicy black mangoes that goes to waste in Belize. Mango Juice could be an industry by itself! 5 minutes later, I got my plate of chicken and side orders. Boy, was that great! I noticed many people were at the restaurant. I also saw people ordering to-go food. The staff at Nandos were simply amazing! They always asked if you needed anything else. My belly was so full! I relaxed and watched as people ate and new ones came and all the good laughs and merry times they had! Hopefully soon, I can recommend my Belizean Chevening co-hort to join me at Nandos (I thought, smiling).

I took it easy that night. I knew I had readings to do for the next day. But, I was extremely tired from Media Relations class. I walked around the bank of the Thames River. I enjoyed the views of the lights, people, and the warm ambience (well, the weather was a little cool). I sat on one of the benches on the banks. I noticed a few familiar faces from university as well. I didn’t say ‘Hi’ though, as they might not know me.

I’m quite exhausted for tonight! I will continue my journey in a next edition of Letter from Kenrick Mark.

Sincerely yours,

Kenrick Mark



Kenrick Mark Coleman
Kenrick Mark Coleman

Written by Kenrick Mark Coleman

Chairman, The Kenrick Mark Coleman Foundation ~ British Chevening Scholar ~ MA Public Relations, University of Greenwich, London ~ Holistic Conversations ~

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