Letter from Kenrick Mark (24th Edition)

Kenrick Mark Coleman
5 min readJul 1, 2020


Letter from Kenrick Mark

Dear Esteemed Readers,

I also skyped later on with my comrade from Belize City. We were happy to see each other via video chat, and I told him of all the new experiences I had. He always encouraged me to explore the country, try the many cuisines from Europe, and have fun! I went to sleep around 2am in the morning. I watched cooking shows, comedy, skyped, and ate cakes and chocolates. I loved that Thursday night!

I woke up around 9am on Friday. I showered and decided to go to Lewisham again, and of course, practicing using the DLR (on my own). I was eager for exploring more. I walked into the train station, and went down a escalator. I was still a little ‘nervous’ using the escalator. I remember my time at the Excel Center (smiling). I carefully placed my feet on the downward moving escalator, and held on the side bar. I stood and it took me down another level. I saw an TFL office in that area and some other big ‘clock’ like things. I also saw two officers in there. I noticed the machines were there. I tapped in, the machine bar swung opened, and I passed through. I went down some more stairs. I finally reached the train station area. The sign said that the next train to Lewisham will arrive in ‘3 minutes’. I noticed many people were waiting too. I saw older men and women with walking sticks, men and women of color like me, children, and a few ‘office’ personnel, dressed in their ‘fine’ business suits.

I heard a loud train horn. Then zoooom-zooosh! The DLR stopped. I got in. So, did the others. The doors closed. I was sitting in a corner. I looked at some of the people. Some were on their phones. Some were just watching around too! A few students were talking about football. There were about three stops before Lewisham, with few people embarking, and disembarking the DLR. When we arrived in Lewisham, I quickly stepped out, walked over to the machine and tapped out. I then leisurely strolled over to the Lewisham Shopping Mall. I remember going through there, the last time. I had a few items on my agenda, for that day. I went to Primark, first. I loved this store — it provides good quality clothing at affordable prices. I loved the decors and set. They jubilantly displays their products on racks and shelves patterns that calls. The music was a plus too! I purchased a couple cardigans (grey and beige colors), a dark gray wool gloves, a marooned colored warm hat, and a earl grey scarf. While talking to my classmates, they gave me suggestions for winter (just in case). I walked around, and looked at new items of clothing, jeans, shoes and accessories. The total price was a good deal too.

After my Primark shopping, I walked along the market area. The aroma of the fish and seafood booth was disgusting! Many vendors were selling fruits and vegetables at ‘cheap’ deals! I guess it was a competitive market. I quickly walked and noticed other stores such as H & M. My eyes were set on the Pound Store. I was anxious to know what they sold. I had to walk across the street. I had to maneuver between the far end booths at the Lewisham middle entrance door and then walked across the street. Growing up in Belize, we always heard ‘talk’ about the $1 stores in the USA, and all the grand things that can be bought! Well, I finally made it to a UK version! I grabbed a basket, and walked around. Cashiers were on the right entrance so I figured I should start at the left. There were many women’s body/hair products at the entrance shelves. Then, there were shelves in many rows filled with groceries, canned food, sweets & snacks, cleaning essentials, household accessories, gardening tools, IT accessories, toiletries, and loads more! I bought Lotus Biscoff cookies, Reese Peanut Butter chocolate, and toiletries! It was a bargain! The store was crowded too. I guess many people were looking for good deals. I had four shopping bags now. I was happy to have experienced purchasing from a Pound Store. I would be sure to tell my family in Belize later.

I walked around — the markets had fruits and vegetables, mostly. I had fruits at home. So, I went back into the mall. I went to Greggs. I ordered three sausage rolls, and a coffee. I noticed there were benches in the mall, right outside Greggs. The rolls were epic! The coffee provided a soothing! I was hungry! I spoke to a few people sitting on benches near me. A lady had a baby in a stroller. There was an Indian couple too. They were friendly. From that day, I always went to Greggs to try their bakes and sweet treats, except the filled donuts (those were very sweet).

There were some souvenir shops in the mall. I visited one. I was looking for gifts to bring back to Belize for some of my comrades. I noticed an Indian guy was in charge at the store. I found souvenirs — very different and diverse, than those at the regular London souvenir shops. There were specially crafted stationery, bed room decors, house accessories, personal coffee cups, lots of designed cushions/pillows with meme, and lots more. I loved many of the items. Hopefully, when it comes closer to my leave date, I will visit and purchase something.

I also visited a bookstore, next door the souvenir shop. I was impressed, laughing at the collection and huge rows, and tall shelves, filled with History books, Comics, Celebrity magazines, Science books, English books, and the list goes on! Oh, there were Novels and Story books, tons! I spent more than an hour in this bookstore!

I was getting tired, so I went to catch the DLR back to Greenwich. I enjoyed my day in Lewisham. I really enjoyed the ‘alone’ trips. It gave me perspective, and potential. I arrived home. I relaxed in my bed for a while.

I’m quite exhausted for tonight! I will continue my journey in a next edition of Letter from Kenrick Mark.

Sincerely yours,

Kenrick Mark



Kenrick Mark Coleman
Kenrick Mark Coleman

Written by Kenrick Mark Coleman

Chairman, The Kenrick Mark Coleman Foundation ~ British Chevening Scholar ~ MA Public Relations, University of Greenwich, London ~ Holistic Conversations ~

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