Letter from Kenrick Mark (30th Edition)
Letter from Kenrick Mark
Dear Esteemed Readers,
I had a restful Thursday night. As I mentioned before, there were some nights when I worried much — about school, life and everything. Those nights I slept off and on.
I woke up around 8am on Friday morning. I relaxed for a bit. I opened my window for fresh air. I arranged my room (there was always a little mix-up). I wanted to do laundry in the morning but I knew many students were doing theirs too. I decided to wait until 10pm or 11pm. I dusted off my shelves and vacuumed my room as well. I also cleaned my bathroom, with soap and water, and then a rinse.
I took a shower and headed out. I took the train to Lewisham. I always enjoyed my train journeys around London. I carefully observed those who sat around me. Many were adults — white British and other ethnicities. I was fascinated when they spoke in their British accent. I always dreamt of adopting the British accent when I speak. I always tried when I was in London. I wasn’t as perfect as those who were born or grew up in the UK, though. They were also other languages spoken by different ethnicities including Spanish, French, and Arab. The surroundings were amazing too, while journeying on the DLR.
I arrived in Lewisham and headed to the mall. I went to Greggs and ordered 3 sausage rolls. It was basically cooked Breakfast Links in delicious flaky pastry. The queues were not huge here (well, at least when I visit). I sat on a bench in the hall in front of Greggs. I enjoyed my breakfast brunch (It was around 11am already). I also bought an orange juice and doughnuts. I can only eat the regular sugar covered doughnuts, and not the ones topped with icing or filled with cream. The latter kinds were too sweet!
I walked outside the mall, to the market area. The crowd was crazy! People were walking all over, sometimes you had to push to move through. Many vendors were still stocked with fruits and vegetables, fish, breads, clothing, house essentials, and so much more. I bought bananas, and carrots. I felt like eating healthy snacks!!! I went to the Pound Store to purchase M & Ms and Cadbury chocolate. When I finished, I walked around the various streets. I noticed many convenience stores, a Nandos restaurant (which I had several lunches later on in the year), fabric stores, quiet coffee shops and food outlets, and a huge Turkish store. I also saw some exquisite buildings including a church, hotels, residences, and historical homes. I enjoyed the mini-tour around the main area of Lewisham. I believe there was much more but I was tired of walking. There were more people of color in this area of London. I felt at home.
I took the DLR back to the Greenwich area. I went home and stored the items I bought. The Greenwich area was crowded too when I returned. The weekend starts on a Friday, with many tourists flocking the historical sites in our borough of London. I checked my emails and portal. I had assignments and reading, but decided to go around 3pm at the library. I skyped with my parents in Belize, for over an hour. They always asked me about life in the UK, new places I visited, food, relationship with classmates, and of course, their hope for me to get a career opportunity in London. I also showed my Mom some of the Cadbury chocolate, and other comfort snacks I bought. My comrade from Belize City also messaged me.
I rested for a while. At 3pm, I went to the library and started my readings, assignments and relative projects. I spent hours, actually I left at 9pm. I had a full afternoon of reading and understanding. I was grateful that I was focused, and managed my time wisely. However, there were times when I felt so lazy! Being in the library, and observing other students doing their readings/assignments gave me much needed inspiration!
I went home, and did my laundry. The streets were full of vibrancy and celebration. People were walking, driving, dancing, laughing, running, and everything! I did my laundry, took a shower and went to sleep!
I’m quite exhausted for tonight! I will continue my journey in a next edition of Letter from Kenrick Mark.
Sincerely yours,
Kenrick Mark