Letter from Kenrick Mark (31st Edition)

Kenrick Mark Coleman
5 min readJul 16, 2020


Letter from Kenrick Mark

Dear Esteemed Readers,

Saturday was a beautiful day — the Sun was beaming from the sky! I woke up around 8am, and took a shower. I strolled down the streets to Alacosta Coffee. The Sun was out, but very cool breeze was blowing, so it was perfect weather. There were many people walking to and from our university campus, some walking briskly, others running (doing their morning exercise?), some just strolling (walking leisurely) looking all around and even taking photos. The walkway in the middle of our University campus was always clean, and looked new. I guess the maintenance men / women do a daily or weekly routine of cleaning and ensuring everything is in perfect condition. The view overlooking the River Thames from this area was simply remarkable! Sometimes, I saw planes taking off. I could hear the loud sounds too. In Belize, we would rarely see a small plane or helicopter flying above our homes in the village.

There were some very cottage like homes after the car park beside our university. They had huge brick walls which protected them from any intruders I guess?. There was also a gas station. On one occasion, I quickly ran as an incoming truck was speeding in. I nearly got knocked down. I kept strolling on-ward to Alacosta Coffee. I also saw a Beauty Salon, a few women were fixing their hair/styles. I finally arrived at my favorite coffee shop in London. As I opened the door, I was greeted with huge smiles from the owners, and a pleasant ‘good morning’ salutation. I felt so engaged, so happy and at home. They Asian guy told me ‘Coffee Mocha coming up’. I smiled. I ordered breakfast — toast with butter, eggs, and bacon. There were a few other customers enjoying a healthy meal and hot coffee too. Most of them were on their phones reading, while eating. I didn’t purchase a phone in London because I used social media and email to message/video call with those I needed to communicate with. I had all those applications on my laptop and the internet service was complimentary. So, I saved from purchasing a phone, and buying monthly data plans. The Asian lady owner asked me about my academic life, this far. I told her that I keep reading, researching, attending classes, and understanding as much. There were many challenges, but I was learning as I went along. I spent over an hour reading the papers, and relaxing at Alacosta Coffee.

I went for a walk around the Greenwich area. There was a little food truck festival again. There were 5 trucks selling coffee, European food, cakes, puddings, and wine. I only walked around, looked at the amazing menus, and decors of the trucks. The vendors were very creative in decorating their trucks with respect to their products/services. I laughed. I had some ideas for them too. I took a stroll down the sidewalk of the River Thames. The crowds were intensifying by now. Many families were exploring the area. There were many little kids too. They were all running around, and their parents had to go catch them. I saw many Indians, Spanish, Arabs, and British.

I went around the market area. I found a quiet bookstore, selling all types of books. There were also selling fudge — caramel, milk chocolate, and rocky road fudge. I bought two small packs of caramel fudge. The books were very expensive, in my perspective. On the corner, there was a store selling all styles of lamps. They looked gorgeous. I only peeped from the showcase window. There was also a bakery next door — I saw gigantic breads, all designs, on the counter. I also saw huge meringues! I thought — weren’t those very sweet? How could someone eat those? The opposite side of the street — there were mostly apartments. While walking back from school in the night time, I saw people were watching TV. They had their windows opened, so I peeped (smiling). There was a healthy cafe on the corner of this building with apartments. They had tons of healthy teas and coffees — green teas, vegetable juices, fruit juices. There were also cakes and pies — gluten free, sugar free, diary free, vegan, et al. I never went in. I don’t like those healthy teas. In Belize, my dad makes them, and its ‘disgusting’ to me.

Across the street, I was at a Y intersection now, around the entrance way of the DLR station. There was a candy store. I walked in, and immersed myself in a variety of chocolates and candies. I saw all types of nougat, M & Ms, ribbon candy, chocolates (all brands), reeses peanut butter cups, marshmallow, bubble gums, love hearts, toffee, fudge, et al. My eyes opened so wide! I wanted to try one of each (smiling). I didn’t purchase anything though. I had many snacks which I bought from the Pound Store and Sainsbury over the past weeks. I always keep chocolates/sweet snacks as it provides comfort for me, while doing my readings and assignments. The prices at this store were probably more expensive too.

I had an idea! I went to our university campus again. I sat on one of the benches in the courtyard, and enjoyed the view. The wind was blowing gently, and there were many people all over. I could hear some of their conversations as they walked beside me. I sat for nearly two hours — thinking of my journey, and how I was living my childhood dream. I kept thinking of past decisions I made. I reflected on my preparations for London, and applying for the Chevening scholarship. I thought of the fact that I was the second individual in my family to win the Chevening scholarship. I thought of my family back home in Toledo. I thought of my comrade in Belize City, and how he was with me every step of my journey, providing advice and support when needed. I looked at the river flowing. I saw boats and ferries drifting north and south. I saw the neighborhoods beyond the river bank. I was truly enjoying a reflection of my discipline and sacrifice. I thought of my classmates at the University of Belize, Toledo campus. I thought of my new classmates at the University of Greenwich, and how we became a wonderful, helpful , cheerful group. I thought of the future — where I would be pursuing my career. I enjoyed these moments.

I saw a few university mates I met in library. I said ‘Hi’. I went to view the Greenwich Park. It was so green! Many families were talking strolls in the Park. I saw a few guys cycling. There was also a Pub nearby, and many men and women were having drinks too. I walked around for a bit. I headed home. I took a shower, and watched a movie. I fell asleep. I woke up later in the evening. I was very hungry too. I went to McDonalds and ordered two chicken sandwiches, two portion of fries and a soda. I enjoyed that meal! I watched cooking shows, while having dinner. I watched movies until later that evening. I also spoke to some of my comrades in Belize and the USA.

I went to sleep around 11pm.

I’m quite exhausted for tonight. I will continue my journey in a next edition of Letter from Kenrick Mark.

Sincerely yours,

Kenrick Mark



Kenrick Mark Coleman
Kenrick Mark Coleman

Written by Kenrick Mark Coleman

Chairman, The Kenrick Mark Coleman Foundation ~ British Chevening Scholar ~ MA Public Relations, University of Greenwich, London ~ Holistic Conversations ~

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