Letter from Kenrick Mark (34th Edition)

Kenrick Mark Coleman
4 min readJul 22, 2020


Letter from Kenrick Mark

Dear Esteemed Readers,

On Tuesday morning, I woke up around 7am. I checked my emails and social media. Our Professors always reminded us to read articles from the Harvard Business Review, The Economist, The Financial Times, Chartered Institute of Public Relations, Public Relations mediums, the British Broadcasting Corporation, et al. I tried to read a few articles (now and again) via Twitter. Professor Mark also mentioned during our first week, and in the year, that as Public Relations students at the University of Greenwich, we could apply for membership in the CIPR. I’m not sure if my fellow classmates applied, but I didn’t. The purpose was to fully engage with other professionals in the Public Relations profession (possible job placements), networking, and discussing issues & generating new perspectives.

I read a few articles in the Public Relations discipline (via Twitter). I also went to wash my sheets and blankets. Luckily, the washing room was empty. I was also communicating with my classmates about our papers, assignments and university life in general. I arranged my room too. In my earlier letters, I mentioned that I bought toiletries from the Pound Store. Well, I usually store the extra toilet paper and soap bars under my bed (as it was an empty space). I kept my soap powder (for washing clothes) near the door. In my bathroom, I only kept soap bars I was using and my shaving kits, as water from the shower would splash all over on a daily basis. An hour later, my sheets were washed and cleaned. I took a shower and went to university.

Today, I decided to change my study location from library to university. I went to the lounge in the Queen Anne Building. The lounge had many stations, with more closed settings (for group privacy). There was a center table in each station, and high cushioned chairs in an oval/circle enclosure (for privacy, I guess?). Each had their own outlets (to plug in our laptop for electricity). I was on the second floor. After setting up my laptop, I quickly went to the school cafeteria. I purchased some chocolate orange muffins, and a hot tea. I brought some crisps, macaroons, and coconut chocolate from my home collection (smiling). I always wanted to try snacks from the school cafe though. It was around 10am already. The muffins were very tasty! This was sort of a brunch for me, today.

I began to read papers for my upcoming Social Media & Media Relations class. I read about online reviews, validity of metrics (PR measurements), network society, Penfolds wine case study, Postmodern Marketing, and many more. These papers provided knowledge and insights of the PR industry reality. While reading, I understood of the many challenges facing the industry, and academics in this discipline who help to research and provide reasons for further development. The lounge became very crowded as the day went on. I could hear the other students and even professors talking about their respective academic disciplines, and relative context. Sometimes, it was a little difficult to concentrate but I managed. I felt the interrelation as a fellow university degree candidate. I enjoyed my sweet and savory snacks during the day, and drank tons of water.

I actually met Serena, Luna, and Elaye in the lounge too. When I went for a break, I saw them in another area in the building. They came early too. We all went to class later that afternoon. Professor Mudra headed the presentations. The topic was ‘developing integrated media relations campaigns across mainstream and social media.’ We started off with news values including frequency, threshold, proximity, negativity, predictability, continuity, composition, personalization, narrativisation, and visual imperative. These factors were relevant to drafting and finalizing public relations campaigns for businesses. We also touched on the factors that makes a story, and news management in general. Another section was how converged media works and defining paid, earned and owned media. I have tons of personal experiences with earned and owned media and earned reputation due to my foundation’s work in Belize. We also discussed the purpose of Cross Media strategy, which is fully supported by reputation. Given the fact that new media has prominence in today’s dynamic world, this specific area was helpful for us. Furthermore, content is of paramount importance in all campaigns, and we defined and discussed in depth the objectives, and challenges.

We took a mid-break, for snacks or relaxing. After this, we spoke about great conversations, and great communities. This was surreal, as most conversations are now conducted online, with people you haven’t met before. Communities are also being built online as well. There are many issues and advantages of these online sessions with your respective communities.

I went home after class. As usual, the streets were always lighted, and crowded. Many people were catching the DLR. Others were out enjoying an evening stroll, with cool breeze from the River Thames. The restaurants and cafes I passed by while heading home were full of people dining. I was so tired of academics for the day.

I went to Sainsbury to purchase water, bread, and other food essentials. On my way, I saw a few homeless men in the corners sleeping. I felt sorry for them.

I returned home about 20 minutes later, and found my flat mate Max in the kitchen. I said ‘Hi.’ He was cooking dinner.

I showered, watched a movie, and went to sleep.

I’m quite exhausted for tonight. I will continue my journey in a next edition of Letter from Kenrick Mark.

Sincerely yours,

Kenrick Mark



Kenrick Mark Coleman
Kenrick Mark Coleman

Written by Kenrick Mark Coleman

Chairman, The Kenrick Mark Coleman Foundation ~ British Chevening Scholar ~ MA Public Relations, University of Greenwich, London ~ Holistic Conversations ~

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