Letter from Kenrick Mark (39th Edition)
Letter from Kenrick Mark
Dear Esteemed Readers,
I woke up around 8am on Sunday morning. I showered and went for breakfast at Alacosta Coffee. It was a bright morning — the Sun was beaming from the sky! Crowds of people were already on the streets and sidewalks around the Greenwich borough. I saw many middle-age British men and women running on the banks of the River Thames, as I usually walked through our University compound when I visited Alacosta Coffee. I saw many elders sitting outside and talking at the elderly home. There was a bus stop right after the car park. I usually saw students sitting and waiting, young children with adults supervising (I guess).
Every time I walked around, I saw a few familiar faces, of men and women, and younger folks from university or my surrounding area. I arrived to a quite busy Alacosta Coffee. There was one table available in the corner, and my favorite spot in the coffee shop. I walked in to smiles and salutations from both owners! They always made me feel at home! They had my coffee mocha coming up. I had only toast with butter and eggs! There were mostly British elders having morning coffee and breakfast. I smiled with a few of them. I really enjoyed my Breakfast, and most importantly, my morning at Alacosta Coffee. The ambience was soft, between ourselves, and personable. One of the elders I knew spoke to me after I finished Breakfast. We had a good conversation — the elder British lady, yours truly, and the owners. They asked me about my country. I told them that I was from Belize, a small country in the Northwestern Caribbean, nestled below Mexico. When they heard Caribbean, they thought and mentioned about beautiful sandy beaches, Pina Coladas, swimming in the deep blue sea, great seafood, and coconuts. The owners said they vacationed in Cancun, Mexico in Summer, 2015. I thought, ‘If they only came to Belize, I would have met them before my London trip’ (smiling). They gave me some ideas of foods to try, and places to visits in the UK. They were also impressed that I was on a Chevening Scholarship pursuing my post graduate degree. They said that I was definitely intelligent and positive to receive such prestigious scholarship. I left Alacosta Coffee around 10am. I also read a newspaper.
I walked out to the banks of the River Thames, near Nandos. It was really crowded! There was a little Festival happening. There were many booths selling food (rice and seafood platters, burgers, coffee, pancakes (with a variety of toppings), chocolates, Italian candies, Italian ice-cream, Churros); clothing (Indian clothing); and souvenirs (post cards, vintage, tshirts). I peeped at the many foods and other items at the various booths. Everything was so neatly presented, and looked amazing. Since they were making the Churros on the spot, I ordered five of them. I had them covered in sugar. I went to a nearby concrete half wall, turned bench (for me, smiling), sat and ate my Churros, while enjoying the view and watching people drifting about. I loved the Churros — it wasn’t sweet, and was quite similar to doughnuts. I sat there for nearly an hour, the view was awe-inspiring! I saw many Indian families touring around too.
There was a bookstore near my library. I always passed by when I go shopping at Sainsbury, but never had the opportunity to visit (I always had bags of groceries in my hands). So, I decided to visit! The streets were filled with people going and coming! I had to push through the crowd sometimes! I finally made it inside the marvelous place filled with books of all types, levels, and colors! I saw Children books, and thought of buying a few for my nephew. I saw books about the Royal Family — I took my time and browsed them. I also saw cooking books, from exceptional chefs — I wanted to purchase one for my Mom (I waivered my decision at that point). I saw many Novels from great authors and story books for teenagers. There was a variety of books and lots of fun reading gadgets for sale too. I only browsed though, stayed for over an hour — immersing myself. I love bookstores! I hope to own a book store one day! I love reading books and learning about new things! I would love to start a book club soon!
After this, I decided to go to the library. I went home, got my school bag, and went to the library. I went upstairs on the second floor near the PR books. I began reading, reviewing, and talking to a few students. I re-read some articles I didn’t understand well. I also tried reading some book chapters (supplementary reading). I really enjoyed my Sunday! I stayed at the library until 9pm.
I went home, and arranged my room a bit. There was always a few things that needed order. While in my room, sometimes I thought of my family and my comrade from Belize City. As a matter of fact, I felt sad in my room, especially if I was not doing anything. I had many thoughts of home.
I went to sleep around 1030pm.
I’m quite exhausted for tonight. I will continue my journey in a next edition of Letter from Kenrick Mark!
Sincerely yours,
Kenrick Mark