Letter from Kenrick Mark (56th Edition)
Letter from Kenrick Mark
Dear Esteemed Readers,
I woke up around 730am on Wednesday morning. I didn’t read any articles last night (for today’s class). I quickly opened my portal, and checked the class schedule. I read two articles — roughly. I understood many points, thankfully.
I showered and got dressed around 845am. I quickly packed a bag of goodies as I rushed through the doors of Cutty Sark Halls to the University of Greenwich (Queen Anne Building). I had to open five doors — my room and flat doors, my hall door, the main entrance back and side doors. I walked briskly to school. I noticed that many office employees (they are usually in business wear) rush / walk quite fast as they move around the area in Greenwich (I believe they were heading to work). I gathered from all these daily observations that time is of the essence in a first world country, while Belize was the opposite. Belizeans celebrate a more ‘laid-back’ lifestyle, which has its pros and cons too. I peeped into McDonalds, and saw a long queue too.
I arrived on time, after walking up two sets of stairs. I walked up and down many sets of stairs on a daily basis, at university, library and at Cutty Sark Halls. It was truly good exercise — I did sweat sometimes. Professor Mark was already waiting for us in the lobby. Several of my classmates arrived before, and were discussing some projects too. I loved my classmates’ amazing personalities. We were a humble, determined, and disciplined cohort of Public Relations candidates. Majority of my classmates were from Europe, and I was the only candidate from a third world country. Nonetheless, we all loved each other, and supported each other throughout the year. That was wonderful!
Class started soon after. There was another session in the room, sometimes we had to give them five minutes to pack up their stuffs and vacate. Professor Mark spoke in depth about the Systems Theory and public relations practice. He also provided articles and links which were essential for further development on the topic. Professor Mark always ensured that we conduct a group presentation on a sub-topic of his class discussion, which allowed us to have a firsthand approach on leading examples and scenarios in Europe. Truly, I always went back to review his class presentations, as I couldn’t consume all the knowledge on the spot. I spoke to Luna during class, and she said likewise. While in class, I was also logged in to social media. I spoke briefly during my class break to several of my comrades, including my comrade Justyn, who won our Personality of the Month Award in September of that year. He was actually pursuing his undergraduate studies at St. Louis University at that time.
In the afternoon, I went to library. I kept on — reading articles, and finalizing my final paper for Monday class. Many days when I didn’t have lunch, I would just eat snacks because I am usually in the library or at university.
I left library around 8pm. I went home, dropped off my bag, and went back downstairs for a walk. I enjoyed the cold night, as I strolled around, people watching. I loved being out for a while, alone, in the crowd.
I dropped in at McDonalds while walking to my apartment and bought chicken sandwiches and fries. I enjoyed my dinner while skyping with my parents in Belize.
I went to sleep later on.
I’m quite exhausted for tonight. I will continue my journey in a next edition of Letter from Kenrick Mark.
Sincerely yours,
Kenrick Mark