Letter from Kenrick Mark (57th Edition)
Letter from Kenrick Mark
Dear Esteemed Readers,
Thursday was the final day of classes for the week! I woke up around 8am, and relaxed, with thoughts flowing in my mind. I was thinking of my assignments, and all the academic papers which was required of us to read and understand. I thought of past Chevening Scholars like my Aunt Merlene, Janelle, and my comrade Ebony. I realized they survived their tenure and graduated. I gained inspiration from this thought. My comrade Ebony and I kept in touch every week. I kept her updated on my progress, and she kept encouraging me when I told her of my challenges. While preparing for my Chevening journey in 2014/2015, I visited the page with the list of past Chevening scholars from Belize. I found a few on social media and had brief conversations with them.
I checked emails and social media, communicating with my associates and comrades as needed. I showered around 9am. I walked over to library. I went to the my usual section on the first floor, near the PR books. I had two options — to use a library workstation or my personal laptop. Many times I used the workstation while on this floor. The screens were large — loved this aspect! In my early weeks, I listened to music on YouTube (of course, plugged in my earphones to the station) while reading my academic papers. I saw many students did this too, while on their laptops. Moreover, I noticed a few students have Mac books. I heard that these are top notch! Hopefully, I get to own one soon!
I began to search for various Public Relations & Communication books. I was filled with enthusiasm while browsing the shelves in the PR section. I was high-spirited always when doing research and assignments. While I didn’t read all the books, I gained plenty of knowledge with the various chapters and sections of books I enrolled in.
I met some of my classmates in library too. They were actually looking for PR books in the same section. We spoke a bit about classes, then went to do our work. I continued my final paper for Foundations of Scholarship. Actually, I finished this paper on the weekend and submitted it the following Monday. I was also working on another project for Thursday class. It was based on the Anne Gregory Planning Module. I had to read several chapters to understand the concept first. Honestly, I enjoyed researching and writing this assignment.
As usual, I took many breaks while in the library. This time I walked over to Sainsbury (1 minute away) to purchase some grapes. I enjoyed the fresh ‘cold’ air, and observing people walking/running, and cars zooming by! I saw a few police cars going by. I went back to library, and continued my work.
I went to class later in the evening. I walked a different path. I went down the alley beside our library, then headed down the street by Devonport House, then crossed over to University. This was always a busy street with cars coming in and going out, students walking/riding/commuting by car and of course, tourists travelling (as the Queen’s House & National Maritime Museum was opposite our university).
It was a great learning session with Professor Christian. We discussed in depth the role of new media and traditional media in planning and communication. We also had a group discussion on Public Relations firm in the UK, and its impact to development of the discipline.
I walked home. It was raining a bit! I walked briskly! I went home, showered and got in bed. I found movies on YouTube, and watched. Later on in the night, I had oatmeal. I also spoke to some of my comrades in Belize.
I’m quite exhausted for tonight. I will continue my journey in a next edition of Letter from Kenrick Mark.
Sincerely yours,
Kenrick Mark