Letter from Kenrick Mark (58th Edition)
Letter from Kenrick Mark
Dear Esteemed Readers,
It was Friday, November 27th. Nearly every morning I heard construction work being done nearby — drilling, hammering, trucks unloading, et al. On the opposite side of Cutty Sark Halls on the high street, there was a huge complex / building being constructed. I thought initially that it might be a hotel or shopping mall or office complex. Honestly, I didn’t ask anyone about it. While walking to university in the morning or afternoon, I always looked over, and saw many workers with their safety gears on, constructing various sections. In Belize, I notice that people who works on the construction sites, don’t utilize the safety gears like helmets, proper shoes, and back support, for instance. There was a miniature tattoo outlet and a vintage clothing store next door this big construction site. To me, the tattoo and vintage outlet combined was scary.
I relaxed in bed. It was around 730am. I heard my flat mates talking. I also heard the janitors talking and cleaning the kitchen and walking lane. I turned on my computer, and watched BBC News. When I was a kid, I heard the BBC news reports on the national radio station in Belize, Love FM. From then on, I was always fascinated with the British accent, and their utmost delivery of news. I fell in love with the enthusiasm BBC news brought. It was always important to keep updated, both nationally and internationally. From my primary school days, I always read the national newspapers of Belize. Thus, I grew up becoming holistic, cultured, and in pursuit of excellence. I always applied what I read in the newspapers to my daily classes at Big Falls RC School, my assignments and exams. Teacher Marie, who is also my Godmother, saw my keen intellect, diversity, and continuous vibrancy. I remember reading the note/letter of condolences that the Belize Government sent to Buckingham Palace when the Queen’s Mother passed away in 2001. I think one month later, Teacher Marie’s Mom passed away. I was fascinated to do the same. So, I made a hand written note of condolences using a clean page from my exercise book, and gave it to Teacher Marie. She was impressed! She told my Mom how astonished she was to receive a Letter of Condolences from me. She said that ‘Kenny will go far in life!’
After an hour, I got out of bed, and arranged me room (I quickly do this task in the morning time). I vacuumed the floor, and cleaned my bathroom. I showered, and had toast with butter. I didn’t feel like going to Lewisham today. I communicated with a few of my comrades for a while. I went for a morning stroll around the scenic, historical Greenwich district. As per weekends normal, crowds of tourists and those residing in the area were walking around, touring the historical buildings, parks, and joyously trying the street foods, drinks, and purchasing souvenirs at the market. I walked down the mid-walkway through the DLR and McDonald hub, then onwards to the Greenwich Market. I loved exploring this marketplace as they were always new displays. Actually, there were many booths -huge photographs in glass frames, paintings, scarves, home decors, and various street foods including Indian, Spanish, Portuguese. The mini pancake dishes looked very attractive (in presentation). I wasn’t sure if the milk, which was used to make it, would agree with my stomach.
Many times around this market and on the south walking lane, near the high street, I saw people who resembled some of my comrades in Belize. I had to look twice and realized it was just a ‘look-alike’. I had a ‘merry go around’ this marketplace — I didn’t purchase anything though. I enjoyed walking at each booth, and observing the products for sale, indulging in conversations with the salesmen and women. I kept walking around Greenwich — there was also a party at the Cutty Sark Ship. Many children accompanied by their parents were playing games in that area. There was also food trucks and booths. It was a effervescent party of food, families, tourists, cold river breeze, and heaps of chatter!
At 11 am, I took the DLR to Canary Wharf. I went straight to the Tortilla Cafe, and ordered a Nachos supreme — a double serving of fresh tortilla chips, Chipotle cheese sauce, pico de gallo, guacamole and jalapenos. I sat down in a cozy corner and enjoyed this meal! The interior decorations were so Mexican! This was always a best meal for me! After lunch, I took the DLR back to Greenwich.
In the afternoon, I went to library to finalize my critical analysis paper. I stayed until around 10pm in the library, reading, researching, and doing work. I took my breaks every hour, having snacks, visiting other areas of library, and even meeting new students.
I went home in the cold, breezy, London night.
I went to sleep.
I’m quite exhausted for tonight. I will continue my journey in a next edition of Letter from Kenrick Mark.
Sincerely yours,
Kenrick Mark