Letter from Kenrick Mark (59th Edition)
Letter from Kenrick Mark
Dear Esteemed Readers,
It was a very cold Saturday morning! Winter was finally arriving! I remember getting up in the night time (starting in late October) almost every hour, to re-start my heater, as it automatically went off after an hour. The heat remained for a while after the hour, but I usually felt a cooler temperature after this. I probably woke around 9am. I had a restful night, and was looking forward to a weekend of food, a bit of touring, and then, library, for more research, reading and assignments (smile). I relaxed in bed, then showered, and walked over to Alacosta Coffee. The Greenwich Market and surrounding historical areas were already full of life with families, tourists, cars, buses. I could hear lots of chatter, laughing, music, and a happy ambience as I strolled down to the best little coffee shop in the world. I arrived 5 minutes later, to a warm, cheerful welcome from the owners. They started preparing my usual Coffee Mocha, and I had 4 white toasts with bacon and eggs. I also had a pineapple coconut mini-cake half an hour later. There were a few customers at the cafe too. I usually met an elder British Lady, and we exchanged ‘Hello’. Quite a few times we had lovely conversations, and the owners also shared opinions and laughs with us.
I walked back home in the very cool weather. Moms and Dads were out with their kids for the day, enjoying the nature, the day’s activities and the fun of the moment. I even saw kids on leashes (a first for me). I believe they were just learning how to walk, and it was a safety pre-caution parents take while allowing their kids some freedom to explore a bit. I decided to go to Canary Wharf to visit the Jubilee Park, and explore a few stores/outlets. I walked into the train station. There were many people waiting for the train too, and many people disembarked from the inbound trains (while I was waiting). After 5 minutes, I finally travelled to Canary Wharf. I visited a few stores in the mall. I bought a few food items from the Tesco store. I also browsed (for a second time) a store which sold magazines, cards and books. I spent nearly an hour browsing the literature items (was truly a happy time for me). Most of the items in this store was expensive (in my perspective). I didn’t purchase any. I also met and spoke to a few people in the mall, while I was sitting on a center bench, enjoying a tin of mixed nuts I purchased earlier.
I also visited the Jubilee Park. I loved the waterfalls, trees, and the beautiful scenery. I relaxed and immersed in this beauty for a while. I noticed many friends were enjoying themselves, having picnics, conversations, and even those working, probably on break from the office (some were smoking cigars). I went home an hour later. I was tired, and it was cold, so I went to sleep.
I woke up around 7pm, and arranged my room. I also vacuumed the floor, and cleaned my bathrooms. I took a shower, and skyped with my family in Belize. We always shared updates on family, life, university, and everything. It was warm and revitalizing to bond with them often. They always asked me about the variety of food I was eating. I told them about my regular trips to Alacosta Coffee for home cooked breakfast and lunch, and of course, their amazing coffees and desserts. After this, I decided to take a night walk on the banks of the River Thames. It was a jolly night — the lights were glowing, and crowds of British men and women were out for dinners, and night leisurely walks, and of course, get-togethers! The pub downstairs Cutty Sark Halls was packed — everyone was drinking rum and beers, and having a merry occasion! I walked through the inner path at McDonalds then onwards to the Cutty Sark Ship, and then for a stroll on the banks of the Thames. Many couples were walking either from a party or to a party. I noticed some were holding hands, leaning on the other’s shoulders, hugging, or even kissing. The night sky was complemented with bright colored lights from the tall skyscrapers at Canary Wharf, and the many apartment buildings in the Greenwich riverside area. I loved the spirited occasion of a weekend nights in London! There were pubs in every corner. I walked passed a new one on my way (between the gym and Waitrose). There was a mountain of laughter, rum glasses knocking against each other, some were dancing, and a few were relaxing on the couches outside. I guess I was an observer of all things ‘London’. I learnt many things from touring around.
I went back home, had some tea and cookies, and then fell asleep.
I’m quite exhausted for tonight. I will continue my journey in a next edition of Letter from Kenrick Mark.
Sincerely yours,
Kenrick Mark