Letter from Kenrick Mark (71st edition)

Kenrick Mark Coleman
3 min readMar 25, 2021


Letter from Kenrick Mark

Dear Esteemed Readers,

I woke up late on Thursday, around 830am. I relaxed in bed. I was in high spirits, exclusively. I was eager to use my holiday time to explore London and the UK, to relish new pursuits, to meet celebrities and good people (students, Public Relations executives, British elders), and indulge in new cuisines and desserts (from across Europe and beyond). I was also worried about my academic section. Professor Mark told my classmates and I to read articles and academic papers to become familiar with the topic we will choose for our Research Study, and then, Dissertation. I read a few, browsed some others. I never had any motivation during the holidays for academic reading (smiling innocently). When I spoke to my classmates during the holidays, they said they read a few too. I had one final assignment to submit, which I worked on daily (for at least 3 hours) during the holidays.

I was awe, thinking of all the new places I will see, and desserts I would try. I got out of bed, cleaned my bathrooms properly, wiped the shelves, arranged my cozy room, and vacuumed the floors. I showered after, and went to have breakfast at my favorite coffee shop — Alacosta Coffee. It was very cold outside, and the wind was blowing strong. While I was walking through our University campus (mid-pathway), I was ‘shoved’ by the strong winds a little to the left, and then to the right. It felt like someone pushed me (smiling). I became alert. I was thinking ‘London winds don’t like me!’ I noticed many students (I saw on a daily basis) were walking on campus (perhaps going to a class or some academic appointment/meeting). I always looked around when I walked on campus, and I caught familiar faces. I remember meeting an Iraqi student in my first week. I never saw him again though. He mentioned he was studying Computer Science (if I’m not mistaken).

I arrived at Alacosta Coffee to a warm welcome, and of course, Eddie (the Asian owner) said, ‘Coffee Mocha coming up’. I sat in a corner. I always adored the inviting, Asian inspired decorated cafe. I strongly believe ‘the universe’ sent me to this cafe. I ordered toasts and eggs. There were also greens, and other breakfast side choices. However, I wasn’t sure if I would have enjoyed them. The coffee mocha made my day. As a matter of fact, anytime I visited Alacosta Coffee, I was happy — the food, hospitality, the conversations with people I met at cafe. It was a good-natured business which built essence and promoted love and humanity. I spent nearly the entire morning there. I read the daily newspaper after breakfast, and lazily sat in the corner, occasionally eaves-dropping on conversations around the cafe. I paid for my breakfast around 11am and left a tip. The owners always said ‘good-bye, see you again soon, and smiled genuinely.

I walked back home. On the way, passing through my university campus, the burly winds pushed me a side (a bit). From then on, I ensured I was careful while walking, especially in open lawns (smiling). I went back to my room. I turned on my computer and searched for places to visit around London. However, I decided to go to library and begin my final assignment for Thursday class. I packed a Sainsbury orange bag with chocolate, water, cookies, and fruits. Sometimes, I bought a sandwich from Sainsbury (which was like a minute walk from library). I spent the entire afternoon, and late evening reading, and writing my communication plan for a hospital fundraising campaign. I was very elevated doing all the research and writing. I had similar assignments while I did undergraduate studies at the University of Belize.

I went home around 9pm.

I had to do some work for my foundation in Belize too. I had tons of communication to do with individuals whom I selected for an official interview feature.

I skyped with my comrade in Belize City later.

I went to sleep.

I’m quite exhausted for tonight. I will continue my journey in a next edition of Letter from Kenrick Mark.

Sincerely yours,

Kenrick Mark



Kenrick Mark Coleman
Kenrick Mark Coleman

Written by Kenrick Mark Coleman

Chairman, The Kenrick Mark Coleman Foundation ~ British Chevening Scholar ~ MA Public Relations, University of Greenwich, London ~ Holistic Conversations ~

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