Marisleisy Alexia Ayuso
Marisleisy Alexia Ayuso
Vote of Thanks Honor Graduate, Class of 2019
Bishop Martin High School
Major: Business Science
Career Interest: Tourism Management
List of Achievements:
*President, Peer Helpers, Bishop Martin High School
*Class Vice-President (sophomore year)
*Class President (junior year)
*First Place Award, School’s Science Fair (sophomore year)
*Second Place Award (Junior year)
*Third Place Award, (senior year)
*First Place Award, National Science Fair, 2017–2018
*House Team Captain — the team won first place against 11 other teams at Bishop Martin High School
*Student of the Month Award
*Premium Awards — Computer, Religion, Mathematics, Agriculture, etc.
*Third Place Award (Vote of Thanks), Class of 2019, Bishop Martin High School