Melody Keren Deanne Robateau
Melody Keren Deanne Robateau
Honor Graduate, Class of 2019
Belize High School
Major: Science
Career Interest: Engineering
List of Achievements:
*Melody graduated as Class Honor (Third in graduating class)
*She received 6 High Flyer Certificates (received for no grade less than A for all subjects that semester and a GPA of 4.0), and an Honor Roll certificate for each academic semester
*She also received a trophy at graduation for outstanding achievement at Belize High School
* Prefect at Belize High School
*Member of the Honor Society at Belize High School for all four years
* Belize High School Student Ambassador
*Over 220 recorded hours of Community Service (2015- 2019)
* National 2nd Place winner 2019 of Shot Put
* Nominee for a Belize National Youth Music Award, Outstanding Young Musician Award- Department of Youth Services
* Head Delegate, Fourth Committee, Costa Rica Delegation Belize High School, OAS (Junior year 2017)
* Head Chair for Political Injustice to the Youth of Belize Conference Room, Belize High School Leadership Conference (Mock MOAS)- Belize High School (Junior year 2018)
* 1st place National winner of the North-eastern Biological Corridor Logo Competition (received a prize of 1000 BZD and logo will be used to represent this corridor) — Corozal Sustainable Future Initiative (November 2018)