Kenrick — A Conversation with Kenrick Mark Coleman Features Ginelky Gongora
The Kenrick Mark Coleman Foundation
Kenrick — A Conversation with Kenrick Mark Coleman Features Ginelky Gongora
1. Tell us a little about yourself.
My name is Ginelky Ginellie Gongora. I am 19 years old. I was born and raised in Orange Walk Town. I come from a close-knit family who provided me with the morals and values that I possess today. My family has always been the driving force to my successes and this has been essential in my overall development as a professional and individual. It allowed me to have respect for individual differences and to have genuine love and care for myself and others.
From a very young age, I have made it my mission to serve my community. I volunteered in hospitals and schools as a part of my community service and also danced in my town’s community band. I was told that I learned to dance before I learned to walk (believe me when I say it’s true). Dancing isn’t only one of my passions. It’s a part of me and has contributed to the discipline and character that has molded me into being the person I am today. Another place that has gained my heart is the kitchen. I am passionate about learning to prepare the delicacies which remind me of my culture and country. Being so far away, one of my biggest comforts is having a taste of home prepared by ‘my own two hands’.
2. You are currently pursuing your Bachelor’s degree in Taiwan. What do you believe is important in this your role?
As a current Journalism and Mass Communications Student at Ming Chuan University, I will learn and understand the concepts and theories and apply the knowledge learnt when I return to Belize.
3. Tell us more about your academic life at this University? How did you receive the scholarship? Why did you choose this particular University? When did you commence studies? What subject areas are focused on? What’s your relationship like with fellow students?
As a part of Ming Chuan’s International College, academic life can be very interesting and diverse. We have both local and foreign professors who provide a unique learning environment for their students. JMC is a very versatile program as it allows its students a taste of different flavors of the pie.
Obtaining the ICDF scholarship and being given the opportunity to study in Taiwan will forever be one of my biggest accomplishments. I first learned about the scholarship through a news article that I was reporting on for my job at the time. It sparked my interest and I started my journey to accomplish what my heart had much desired, that is, to pursue a degree in a field that I love.
I chose Ming Chuan University because it was the institution which allowed me the opportunity to study Journalism and Mass Communications. This will provide the foundation for my career. I commenced my Taiwan journey in September 2019 and it’s been a breathtaking experience so far.
I am mostly focused on the communications aspect of the program which includes Marketing, Public Relations and Politics.
My Taiwan journey and Ming Chuan experience wouldn’t be what it is if it weren’t for the amazing people I share my everyday life with. My everyday laughter and joy comes from people across the globe. A piece of my heart is shared with people from Taiwan, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, St. Lucia, Palau, El Salvador, Thailand, Vietnam, UK, France, Malaysa, St Kitts, South Africa, Swaziland, Kuwait, India and Dominican Republic to name a few. These people have made Taiwan my home away from home. My fellow Belizeans here at Ming Chuan also made me feel like family from day one!
4. Describe your transformation process from Belize to Taiwan?.
Moving from Belize to Taiwan wasn’t an easy transition for me. For someone who had never left Orange Walk alone, going across the world seemed terrifying. It served as an eye opener and an opportunity to see what the world is made of. I underwent an unbelievable culture shock and a series of homesickness episodes as I realized there was a whole other world outside of the bubble I once lived in. However, I surrounded myself with people who were also going through the same emotional shock. We provided comfort for each other and created bonds like no other. We found a way to make Taiwan our home and each other, our international family.
5. What are the challenges you face as a student at the university? Opportunities?
I believe that one of the biggest challenges at Ming Chuan is that most events and activities are prepared for the Taiwanese students. However, I have gotten the opportunity to sit and have conversations with local Taiwanese students through an IC exchange. Furthermore, I have had one of my articles published in the MCU weekly newspaper which allows me recognition. Also, I now form a part of the ICES committee which allows me to interact with the international college students and plan activities for them.
6. Why is your major important to Belize’s National Progressive and Sustainable Development?
In order to create an effective and efficient Belize, there needs to be transparency and things need to be said the way they are. The public has the right to know the truth about matters and information relating to our country’s national development. This can’t be done if journalists don’t learn ethics and responsibilities that come with the job.
Pursuing this career has enlightened me and made me realize all the loopholes that are in our media organizations which prevents information from being given effectively and efficiently. Journalism allows information to be sent and received so that well informed choices can be made to better the lives of all Belizeans.
7. What are three things you learnt as an International Student? What can our country expect from Ginelky Gongora in the next five years?
The first important thing I learnt is having respect for one’s individual differences. We are all different and that is something beautiful but not always considered. Secondly, I learnt that one must be open minded. We need to accept that there is more to the world than what you know. Lastly, we must be willing to learn not only academically but from experiences and the people around you.
In the next five years, Belize can expect my full support in lending a helping hand whenever needed. As a student ambassador for my country here in Taiwan, I will continue to share my culture and experiences. I am hopeful to return to Belize one day soon to contribute to development in my respective field of endeavor.
8. In one of my recent articles, I stated: ‘It is important to realize that majority of Belize’s younger populations continue to be very mediocre as it relates to becoming holistically educated and cultured, personally and professionally.’ What’s your perspective on this? What is your perspective on discrimination (across the board)?
From my observation here in Taiwan, our Belizean youth took the opportunity given and made the best out of it. Most Belizeans in Taiwan are High Achievers. I may not be able to speak for all but I believe that when given the opportunity Belizeans ‘out do’ themselves.
There is no doubt that DISCRIMINATION EXISTS! We can’t sweep it under the rug! We can’t pretend it is something only some people go through. At this time, it is evident that this is a RISING GLOBAL MATTER. It is something that the entire world should act on. It takes one person to make the difference!
Being in Taiwan and exposed to the international community , it is a great opportunity to educate people about all forms of discrimination. It is something that should be taught to those who don’t know. NO ONE IS BORN DISCRIMINATING OTHERS, it is learnt. If we can learn to dislike or hate, IT SHOULD BE VERY EASY AND WORTHWHILE TO LEARN TO LOVE.
9. Tell us more about the Scholarship program? Why should Belizeans apply? How can you help?
The ICDF scholarship allows you to expose yourself to a whole new world of cultures, food, people and experiences. It is a full scholarship that pays housing, tuition, books and provides a monthly stipend.
Belizeans should apply because it is an eye-opening experience that broadens your horizons and allows you to set the path for a successful career.
I can assist in giving information on the scholarship and schools you might be interested in. I can also explain the application process and assist in any way possible.
10. What three words do you have to say to young Belizeans?